Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The world is a veritable smorgasbord

Ah, Charlotte's Web (the creepy animated movie).  What a way to start off a post about going to, where? THE FAIR!  I absolutely love the fair.  I love the deep fried EVERYTHING, the vomit inducing rides, being able to pet someone's dinner or future sweater, and all of the art produced by local San Diegans.

I make the Husbunny go to the fair with me every year.  I think he may secretly enjoy it.  Alas that is a secret he will take to the grave.  He does an amazing job of humoring me though.

On a side note:     Writing every day is hard y'all!  Either work soaks up all of my time, or we have chores to do around the house when I get home (at o'dark thirty), or we are off on yet another adventure.  But I will make it a goal of mine, to get at it, and get some bloggin done.  I read all of these others ones and their lives seem so magically scheduled that they get to go to work, come home, go thrifting, cook and eat a magical dinner, then head off on some sort of adventure in the evening.  My life is not so glam.  I work 50 hours a week, I get home around 7pm, throw together dinner, jump back on the laptop to check work emails at 8, have a glass of wine, watch a movie/clean/do something with the Husbunny, hit the sake  at 10pm then get up at the butt crack of dawn to do it all again.  Ok sorry about that.  END RANT.

Del Mar Fair (Because that is what it is called.  You don't just change it to the San Diego Fair all willy nilly and expect people to adopt the new name.  Sheesh.) was a blast.  We walked through the art exhibits, but there are no pictures of that as for some reason you are not allowed to take pictures.  Weird, I know.

The food is ridiculously fattening and delicious.  I had popcorn shrimp and fried artichoke hearts the moment we entered the fair, of which there are no photos.  Why?  Why are you such a bad blogger?  Well, it's because I left work early to get to the fair on Friday afternoon and had no lunch.  I was HANGRY, and needed a feeding. hahah!

Racing sheep need to be fast, hence the racing suit.
Just kidding, it was keeping them warm.

We walked around for a while and checked out the games, and the booths.  We went to the livestock paddock and visited animals.  I made friends with an Alpaca owner, and had the Alpaca farm tour had not been scheduled for the week of Comic Con, I would have been all over it!  We visited goats and sheep and talked with their 4H caretakers.  We learned all kinds of cool stuff.  I love to talk to the people whose animals are being shown.  They are really excited and proud of what they have done and appreciate people who shown an actual interest and not just want to jam their fingers in these animals faces.  Or let their screaming kids man-handle them.

At the end of the evening we watched the pig races!  Little pot-bellied pig babies racing.  It was kind of the cutest thing I had seen!  We waited for everyone to leave and we went up and took photos with the smallest piglet, Oreo.  I have to scan the image in since its a Polaroid.  I can't wait until next year when we can go again!

Random Guy wanted to let Husbunny know
that the turkey leg was as big as his arm
Giant Turkey Leg


This was the best Apple Crisp A La Mode

Look at this sad little unicorn.  He needs a hug.


It was a picture of a piggy bank in the sunset.  But UGH I loved it so!

Shorn Alpaca
Look at his tooooof!  

I love the notice the Chickens put up.
And it looks like they mean it!

This was the weirdest sensation


Horny Goat!  (Sorry, had to)

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