Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Passive Aggressive Panda

There is one personality type in this world that makes me claw the walls and go deep into my primal side.  I want to club this personality type over the head, Flintstones style.

Not to get all Freudian, but I am pretty sure it stems from my relationship with my PA Mother.  No, I do not mean Pennsylvanian.

I left my favorite job ever, because of the new cubical buddy they gave me that they refused to move (me or my buddy).  He was so passive aggressive, and sat all of 2 feet from me.  With no walls.  I need a wall to deal with that shit.  So I said it's me or him.  You move me and I will work here for you until I die.  I love this job.  They said no moves.  Not me, not him.  So I left.  It was really hard to do.  I thought it would be for the  best.  I don't need to go to jail for strangling this dude.

My new position was, well, not what they said it was going to be when I agreed to take it.  It was not the paycheck they promised by a long shot.  And the hours were no where near what they said in the interviews and in the signing.  As in, Hey, guess what, you are going to work your ass off from 8:30am to 5:30pm then we will keep you here until 7pm working hard.  We will let you go home, then at 8pm you are ours until you pass out from exhaustion.  This will be the norm, not a "sometimes thing".  But hey, even that I could do.

Then I get another Passive Aggressive Princess.  But this one is a little more tolerable.  She sits on the far side of the floor.  I only have to deal with her occasionally.  She likes to lament about how hard her life is, and how much work she does, as she calls out sick for what feels like every other day.  "But why do you even care if she calls out sick?".  Any other scenario, I wouldn't.  Except I am her coverage,  Yup, I get to hear about how busy she is, and then I get to do her work for her, on top of my own.  SWEET!

The only reason I am whiny blogging about this is today, she is on FIRE!  She is the best Passive Aggressive Princess she can be today!  She could medal in it, I swear.  I just had to vent it out before I went all post-apocalyptic warrior on her.

I am calm now.

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